Why MKC is unique

Only MKC Kale is grown all-year in the UK

To the best of our knowledge, we are the only producer who has succeeded in growing kale in the UK for 12 months of the year.

We achieve this through our vast knowledge of:

  • kale varieties, and in particular our own specifically-bred variety
  • sowing and growing techniques
  • the rich soils and maritime climate of south-west Lancashire

Without perfect execution in this specific environment, the kale starts to flower from February onwards.

Other Kale growers are importing kale from Europe from March to July.

Not us – we can supply British green kale every month of the year.

Cool Kalefruit-and-veg-grower-profile-september-2016-molyneaux-holding-purple-kale

As soon as it is cut from the plant, the kale has lost its link to the root system. Therefore the following will occur:

  • wilting
  • drying out
  • loss of colour
  • loss of vitamin content

That is why we strive to get our kale to our customers as fast as possible. To ensure our kale stays fresh and crunchy with its familiar bright green colour, we have invested in a dedicated cooler. That allows us to extract heat from the Kale, thus retaining its moisture content.

This is set perfectly for kale so we can be sure that we get the product right every time.

Family business

Our kale relies on the unique combination of know-how, the local soils, and maritime climate of south-west Lancashire.

As the name suggests, we are a family business. We have been farmers in the same locale for longer than formal records have existed – but we believe it is 150 years and counting.

Being born into a farming family is no guarantee of ability, however Chris has risen to become the mastermind of the Molyneux Kale Company.

Wise words passed on from his father, uncles, and all the previous generations of Molyneux farmers has given him an innovative mind. Chris has worked out the ways to make the most of our unique soils and climate to get the very best crops from his land.

This is not farming by satellite or drone, or even the seat of a large tractor. This is farming done walking the fields, over and over, knowing the way the weather affects each one, and understanding when to sow, and not to sow.


Pics: Tom Moggach